Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Welcome Back! We hit the ground running!

Language Arts

Image result for icarus at the edge of timeIn Language Arts this week, we transitioned into the myths portion of our Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends unit.  We talked about how there are numerous modern day cultural references to myths in literature, movies and video games.  Whenever we come across a reference, it is worth going back to the original myth as it will help you understand the modern reference more clearly and complexly.  We also talked about how myths were a direct lens into the values of a given culture.  Typically, personality traits that were valued in a culture were rewarded in a myth.  The opposite is also true.  Whatever a culture did not want a person to be, would be punished within a mythological story.

Next week, we turn our attention to our family folklore pieces and will officially begin the rough draft process.

Social Studies

In Social Studies, we continued our work on our GoAnimate projects.  Students had most of the week in class to work on their video and complete their Works Cited.  The videos should be completed by Monday, January 15 and then we will view them as a class.

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